Year 6
Key information for Year 6 parents:
Year 6 children are to arrive at school at 8:45 am and line up sensibly on the yard. The end of school is 3:15 pm.
On a Wednesday and a Thursday please can all Year 6 children attend school in their P.E kit which includes their hooded jumper, this is the day they will have both sessions of P.E.
Reading books in Year 6 will be changed and diaries will be checked each Monday.
Homework is set every Thursday and homework books should be returned the following Thursday for marking.
Welcome to Year 6! Our teacher is Miss Heath and our classroom support is Mrs Forrest.
Spring Term 2025
Art - 2D Drawing to 3D Making
This week, the children have worked extremely hard during our Art afternoons. The children have used the grid method approach to enlarge a 2D drawing. Following this, the children manipulated their image to create a three dimensional object - a tiger sculpture.
Autumn Term 2024
World War II Tea Party
D&T - Anderson Shelters and Cooking
WW2 Poetry - The Blitz
WOW! Look at the incredible 'Blackout Poems' that Year 6 have created this week.
Year 6 worked extremely hard today during their Scientific Enquiry lesson. The children focused on 'Identifying, Classifying and Grouping'. They organised the layout and then designed appropriate questions for their own classification key to classify different plants. Excellent work Year 6!
For our Revisit and Review task this week, the children used the atlases to locate different parts of the UK. Their next step required them to add the percentage population distribution for those areas. Great map work, Year 6.
Activism in Print
In Art this half term, the children have been learning about Activism in Print. They spent time thinking about what matters to them and what message they'd like to share with the world. Using their carefully created stencil and a selection of paints, the children transferred their design and typography on to a canvas tote bag. We were incredibly impressed with their meaningful messages and artwork.
Fieldwork Fun - Planning and Data Collection
We've had a super week this week working on our fieldwork enquiry,
'How is population impacting our environment?'
Our fieldwork investigation followed a full enquiry structure which saw the children carefully plan out their investigation. Using two local but different enquiry sites, the children planned to collect three sets of data in two locations.
The first location was in Market Drayton. Here the children predicted that by having a larger population number, the environment would not be as pleasant. Our geographers conducted a traffic survey, average noise pollution recordings using a decibel meter and they also spoke to members of the public to gain their opinions on the environment by using a Likert Scale.
Our second fieldwork location was in Loggerheads, just outside of the school gates. This area was much less populated as the children predicted. Data was collected here to discover if this much quieter location has a better quality of environment than the more densely populated Market Drayton.
By comparing our traffic surveys, decibel meter recordings and public opinions recorded on our Likert Scales at both locations, we will analyse and present our overall findings to answer our enquiry question, 'How is population impacting our environment?'
We can't wait to present and share our findings next week!
Calendar Painting
Year 6 enjoyed this morning painting their 'September' calendar entrees. We are extremely impressed with the artistic flair and attention to detail shown to depict autumnal scenes.
Year 6 appraise the work of Felix Mendelssohn
Felix Mendelssohn, was a German composer, pianist, organist and conductor of the early Romantic period. Mendelssohn's compositions include symphonies, concertos, piano music, organ music and chamber music.
Year 6 loved their session with Eccleshall Rugby Union Football Club today. A lot of the children expressed an interest in continuing their rugby training following today's exciting challenges. All children are invited to take part in a weekly training session which takes place at 10am every Sunday. Call Chris Roberts on 07703233739 for more details.
Well done Year 6. You demonstrated fantastic teamwork and listening skills during your session. We were very impressed!