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Hugo Meynell

CofE (VC) Primary School

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Physical Education (PE)

PE Curriculum Design




We consider PE to be a strength of the school and we have achieved the Platinum School Games Mark.


The National Curriculum is at the core of our PE curriculum. Most of our children join Hugo Meynell with an enjoyment and enthusiasm for physical activity.


We want our children to progress in their skill base and apply sporting skills in life e.g. co-ordination and collaboration.


We want children to understand what a healthy lifestyle is and how sport can benefit this.


We want all children to be exposed to a wide range of sport and PE so that they can all find something to enjoy and possibly further pursue in later life.


We also want to give the more able children the opportunity to excel through competitive sport whilst having an inclusive culture for PE in which all children have fun in physical exercise e.g. Jump Start Jonny.




We build upon the National Curriculum by using our Sports funding to enhance and enrich the school offer and have strong links with community sports groups. 


There are two strands – one is acquiring the skills and knowledge for traditional sports e.g. netball or cricket, the second is the slightly more inclusive aspect of games such as dodgeball, quidditch – this approach ensures that all children experience a wealth of sporting opportunities during their time at Hugo Meynell.


Over time, the school has used sports funding to buy in different companies offering Sport and PE in school.


Children have 2 hours of PE a week. We currently work with Activ Sports. The reason for this is that they both provide a clear progression in skills within all strands of the National Curriculum. They enable children to reinforce and consolidate skills prior to applying them in a game and they offer CPD to support teacher knowledge. Our aim is to ensure that our approach to PE is sustainable beyond the sport funding and we have staff regularly shadowing ActivSports so that skills and knowledge are transferred.


In order to ensure that teachers are not de-skilled, ActivSports work with a designated member of staff to develop in-school expertise, and also work with the classes on alternate half terms so as not to de-skill our teachers.


We offer a wide range of enrichment activities including sporting extra-curricular clubs and residential trips and have extensive grounds which include outdoor gym equipment, a trim trail and a range of playground markings to encourage physical activity at break and lunchtimes, as well as a wealth of play equipment to encourage active play.



Our children will have achieved great success in inter-school competition but more importantly, the majority of children at Hugo Meynell enjoy sport and PE and are able to continue to develop their skills in secondary school and beyond and have an understanding of a healthy lifestyle and physical activity.


To view our whole school PE skills and progression grid, click here:
