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Hugo Meynell

CofE (VC) Primary School

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Church Links


Hugo Meynell is a church school and we enjoy excellent links with St John the Baptist Church, which is situated just two miles away in the village of Ashley.


Children from school visit church every year to participate in a range of craft activities inside the beautiful building. These visits usually coincide with the time that children are learning about the Christmas or Easter story. 



Our Worship 

We are very lucky here at Hugo Meynell. On a Monday we have the Open the book team leading our worship, on Wednesdays we worship through song with Mr Shone and on a Thursday morning, we have Father David from Saint Mary’s church who shares Bible stories with our children that link to our vision and values.


We are also very lucky to have Reverend Mark Lawrence from Market Drayton Methodist Church join us every month to lead our worship and relate this to world issues and events. 

Our open the book team in action...

Our Church link days

 We had our first of three church link days this week, and will have one each term.  The open the book team along with Reverend Sara and Reverend Dawn opened our day with a story linked to our value of fairness - the parable of the lost son ✝️

The children took part in two further worships across the day to further their understandings of our value fairness and how this linked to a number of stories from the Bible. The day was brought to a close by  worship with Father David. 

Throughout the day children took part in a range of activities that included making cards, Christmas decorations and a making message trees. They also wrote their own prayers about fairness. 

Thank you again to all those who took the time to come and lead the activities, we’re very grateful. 


Our School Community Choir

Worship through song...

Visits to our church

Examples of our celebrations...Harvest


In December, children worked with our church, St John’s in Ashley, to learn all about Christingles.  Christingle means 'Christ's Light' and it is a symbol of the Christian faith. The candle reminds Christians of Jesus, the light of the world. Lots of churches around the country hold Christingle services around Christmas time. We hope you will light a candle on Christmas Eve to celebrate the 'Light of the World'.

Hugo Meynell Christingle Celebration

