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Hugo Meynell

CofE (VC) Primary School

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Year 5

Key information for parents:

  • The doors off the main playground are opened at 8:40am. Year 5 children are to enter school through this door.
  • Year 5 finish school at 3.15 pm. If your child is allowed to walk home alone, please ensure that you complete a consent form.
  • PE takes place on a Monday and Friday. Children should come to school in their PE kit. If it is non-uniform day on their PE day, children will need to wear appropriate clothes and footwear for their PE lesson.
  • Children change their reading books on Mondays each week.



To contact Year 5, please use the form below.

Alternatively, you can email us directly at

ART: The children have been learning about typography in art today. They then created their own font using black paper.

BOXING 🥊 The children got stuck in with the enrichment session today. Well done everyone!

DT: The children have been busy creating DOODLERS. They made a series circuit to convert electrical energy into rotational movement to make the doodlers draw. Great fun was had by all!

DOODLERS in action 1

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DOODLERS in action 2

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DOODLERS in action 3

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DOODLERS in action 4

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DOODLERS in action 5

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DOODLERS in action 6

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DOODLERS in action 7

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PE - Dodgeball


Today we enjoyed our last dodgeball ball session of the unit. There were some really tense games! The children have really impressed us with their skill development, team work and good sportsmanship 🏅🏅🏅🏅

DT We have started to make our pop up books today. We are looking forward to finishing them next week and sharing them with year 1.

MESSY CHURCH DAY. Year 5 really enjoyed creating their fairness trees and writing their prayers.

South and West Africa

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Did you know that there are 11 different languages spoken in South Africa? We were particularly fascinated by the Xhosa or 'click' language. We were memorised watching a performance of the Qongqothwane Song (more commonly known as The Click Song), this is a song traditionally sung at weddings and is thought to bring good fortune.

This week we have been learning a song called Shosholoza, this is sung in the Ndebele language. Originally this song was sung by the Bantu people as they travelled from Zimbabwe by train to work in the diamond and gold mines of neighbouring South Africa. The song was sung in time with the rhythm of the men swinging their axes to dig and was sung as a call and response to make the hard work feel easier. We are having the best time learning this song - why not ask your child to perform for you at home!


Viking Workshop. The children had an amazing day learning all things Viking. Did you know that Viking is actually a verb? People ‘went Viking’ to trade, raid or settle in Britain.

Year 5 Vikings Workshop letter 7th November

Geography Fieldwork. The children visited the local area to investigate what there is to do in their local area. The children used maps, OS symbols and asked questions to members of the public. Well done Year 5!

ART - Set Designs

Well, what a great day we had creating our set designs in Art! The children worked extremely well to produce some magnificent designs. Well done Year 5! 

Music - Egyptian style!

In Music this half term we are focusing on composition and notation. So far we have done an incredible job of learning our unit song, The Gift of The Nile. We have also begun to look at the role that notation plays in composition. To introduce the idea we used hieroglyphs to represent different sounds. The children showed off their creativity as they designed their hieroglyphs to represent their own musical sounds. It was lovely to see the children having fun as they experimented vocally, with body percussion and using everyday props from the classroom.


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Year 5 Reading Breakfast

What a great morning we all had today! Thank you to all of the adults who were able to make it. The children were really excited to have you all into their classroom and to perform their poem ‘The Song of Hiawatha’. The children enjoyed engaging in a variety of books, and of course the toast and juice went down a treat. 

Super Scientists! Year 5 have made a great start to their Science Journey. We began by using sweets based activities to explore the 5 different types of Scientific Enquiry. We have since begun our new unit 'Mixtures and Separation' where the children worked in teams to create different mixtures. We then used our observations to create a scientific definition of the word 'mixture'.

FRIDAY 13th September

A huge well done to all of the children in Year 5 this week. They have all worked extremely hard and settled really well into new routines. The children have been looking at place value in maths and are learning to recite a poem which they are looking forward to sharing with you at the reading breakfast if you are able to join us. 

Welcome to Year 5. Please read the newsletter below and come along to our reading breakfast on Thursday 26th September.

Building a mountain out of marshmallows. In teams, the children were tasked with making the tallest, most stable and/or most aesthetically pleasing mountain.


Goodbye to all of Year 5. It’s been an absolute pleasure and we wish you a wonderful Summer. Thank you for all of the gifts, cards and lovely messages. Love from the Year 5 Team xxx

Chance to Shine enrichment day. The children had a great session plating cricket, despite the rain!

GEOGRAPHY The children have been using Digimaps to locate global deserts.

COMPUTING Here are the finished 3D models. Well done everyone!

COMPUTING The children have been using 3D modelling to create their own vehicle nets. They are also creating their own packaging. Keep an eye out for pictures of their finished product.

DT Cooking. This week Year 5 have been busy chopping, measuring and cooking ingredients to make their own delicious spaghetti bolognaise. All of the children did an incredible job and thoroughly enjoyed the experience and eating the finished product!

D-Day. Ordering the events. The children have been reading about D-Day this week in guided reading. We have also watched a Newsround special.

DT. The children have been tasting different bolognaise sauces and voting for their favourite. They have also been deciding on the ingredients for their own recipe which they will be making next week! 😋

Fashion Designers! In Art the children have designed their own clothing for a Greek holiday. They then created their own ‘materials’ and created their designs. Super job Year 5!

Church visit Thursday 23rd May - Ascension. The children had a lovely time exploring the church and learning more about ascension.

Summer 1 Homework. Children are to choose one activity a week to complete. This is in addition to a weekly piece of Maths or English.

THANK YOU LACHES WOOD! Year 5 have written their own little thank yous for our class card to send on our thanks to all the team at Laches Wood. They all had a wonderful time!

ART The children have been creating their own material for their Greek holiday brief. Next week we will be creating our designs! 🏝️

Persuasive letter writing. The children have been working really hard to use persuasive devices, as well as using subordinating conjunctions, modal verbs and y3/4 and y5/6 spellings. Great job this week Year 5!

Year 5 Class Breakfast. A huge thank you to Lois for winning our class breakfast. We all had a great time and filled our tummies. A big thank you also to our wonderful PTFA for arranging it all for us!

Year 5 have really enjoyed taking part in Science week. They have created their own marble run and taken part in a scavenger hunt.

Year 5 litter pick Geography Fieldwork

RED NOSE DAY. The children have enjoyed their activities and their toast. ❤️

Year 5 have had a wonderful World Book Day exploring many different book related activities. We had a shout out on the BBC live lesson, completed a scavenger hunt around school, guessed the books the staff were reading and created our very own book cover. We also tried to clock up as many minutes as we could reading and enjoyed our Wonka bar celebrations. Year 5 won 5 tickets which included a breakfast for the class and 2 popcorn and film prizes!

Music: Pitch triangles

ART. The children have been exploring typography and created their own names using their unique designs.

Back To The App: Key Stage 2 watched a performance that portrayed the importance of online safety. They also explored different apps, the age restrictions for these apps and the amount of time to spend online.

Children’s mental health week. The children have thought about their achievements, what matters most to them and how everyone matters. We have created a compliments tree in our classroom where the children can spot the achievements of others and make others aware of them too. We have also taken part in some relaxing and reenergising yoga.

Friday 2nd February. Year 5 enjoyed the Dog’s Trust workshop today and learned more about how to treat dogs respectfully.

DT project. Making Doodlers. The children had a great time testing, evaluating, designing and creating their own doodlers. We all had a great time testing out the final products. Well done Year 5!

Doodlers in action!

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Doodlers in action!

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Doodlers in action!

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Doodlers in action!

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Doodlers in action!

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Doodlers in action!

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Doodlers in action!

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Doodlers in action!

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Merry Christmas to all of Year 5 and their parents and careers.

Year 5 designed and created pop up books in DT using different mechanisms. We then went to Year 1 and shared them with the younger children who thought they were great.

Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th November 

This week the Year 5 children have taken part in some workshops on how to stay safe. On Tuesday, we had a workshop from the NSPCC who spoke about staying safe and speaking out. On Wednesday, we were lucky to have Loudmouth which came into school and performed for Year 5&6. They demonstrated a number of scenarios that some children can find themselves in and how to speak out about them in order to stay safe. This involved many areas, including speaking to strangers online, doing things for other people in return for gifts and also how to stand up for what you think is right even if your friends are doing the wrong thing. The children were amazing and could recall the PANTS phrase that helps them to stay safe.