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Hugo Meynell

CofE (VC) Primary School

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Year 5

Key information for parents:

  • The doors off the main playground are opened at 8:40am. Year 5 children are to enter school through this door.
  • Year 5 finish school at 3.15 pm. If your child is allowed to walk home alone, please ensure that you complete a consent form.
  • PE takes place on a Friday. Children should come to school in their PE kit. If it is non-uniform day on their PE day, children will need to wear appropriate clothes and footwear for their PE lesson.
  • Children change their reading books on Mondays each week.



To contact Year 5, please use the form below.

Alternatively, you can email us directly at

Year 5 Vikings Workshop letter 7th November

Geography Fieldwork. The children visited the local area to investigate what there is to do in their local area. The children used maps, OS symbols and asked questions to members of the public. Well done Year 5!

ART - Set Designs

Well, what a great day we had creating our set designs in Art! The children worked extremely well to produce some magnificent designs. Well done Year 5! 

Music - Egyptian style!

In Music this half term we are focusing on composition and notation. So far we have done an incredible job of learning our unit song, The Gift of The Nile. We have also begun to look at the role that notation plays in composition. To introduce the idea we used hieroglyphs to represent different sounds. The children showed off their creativity as they designed their hieroglyphs to represent their own musical sounds. It was lovely to see the children having fun as they experimented vocally, with body percussion and using everyday props from the classroom.


Still image for this video

Year 5 Reading Breakfast

What a great morning we all had today! Thank you to all of the adults who were able to make it. The children were really excited to have you all into their classroom and to perform their poem ‘The Song of Hiawatha’. The children enjoyed engaging in a variety of books, and of course the toast and juice went down a treat. 

Super Scientists! Year 5 have made a great start to their Science Journey. We began by using sweets based activities to explore the 5 different types of Scientific Enquiry. We have since begun our new unit 'Mixtures and Separation' where the children worked in teams to create different mixtures. We then used our observations to create a scientific definition of the word 'mixture'.

FRIDAY 13th September

A huge well done to all of the children in Year 5 this week. They have all worked extremely hard and settled really well into new routines. The children have been looking at place value in maths and are learning to recite a poem which they are looking forward to sharing with you at the reading breakfast if you are able to join us. 

Welcome to Year 5. Please read the newsletter below and come along to our reading breakfast on Thursday 26th September.

Building a mountain out of marshmallows. In teams, the children were tasked with making the tallest, most stable and/or most aesthetically pleasing mountain.


Goodbye to all of Year 5. It’s been an absolute pleasure and we wish you a wonderful Summer. Thank you for all of the gifts, cards and lovely messages. Love from the Year 5 Team xxx

Chance to Shine enrichment day. The children had a great session plating cricket, despite the rain!

GEOGRAPHY The children have been using Digimaps to locate global deserts.

COMPUTING Here are the finished 3D models. Well done everyone!

COMPUTING The children have been using 3D modelling to create their own vehicle nets. They are also creating their own packaging. Keep an eye out for pictures of their finished product.

DT Cooking. This week Year 5 have been busy chopping, measuring and cooking ingredients to make their own delicious spaghetti bolognaise. All of the children did an incredible job and thoroughly enjoyed the experience and eating the finished product!

D-Day. Ordering the events. The children have been reading about D-Day this week in guided reading. We have also watched a Newsround special.

DT. The children have been tasting different bolognaise sauces and voting for their favourite. They have also been deciding on the ingredients for their own recipe which they will be making next week! 😋

Fashion Designers! In Art the children have designed their own clothing for a Greek holiday. They then created their own ‘materials’ and created their designs. Super job Year 5!

Church visit Thursday 23rd May - Ascension. The children had a lovely time exploring the church and learning more about ascension.

Summer 1 Homework. Children are to choose one activity a week to complete. This is in addition to a weekly piece of Maths or English.

THANK YOU LACHES WOOD! Year 5 have written their own little thank yous for our class card to send on our thanks to all the team at Laches Wood. They all had a wonderful time!

ART The children have been creating their own material for their Greek holiday brief. Next week we will be creating our designs! 🏝️

Persuasive letter writing. The children have been working really hard to use persuasive devices, as well as using subordinating conjunctions, modal verbs and y3/4 and y5/6 spellings. Great job this week Year 5!

Year 5 Class Breakfast. A huge thank you to Lois for winning our class breakfast. We all had a great time and filled our tummies. A big thank you also to our wonderful PTFA for arranging it all for us!

Year 5 have really enjoyed taking part in Science week. They have created their own marble run and taken part in a scavenger hunt.

Year 5 litter pick Geography Fieldwork

RED NOSE DAY. The children have enjoyed their activities and their toast. ❤️

Year 5 have had a wonderful World Book Day exploring many different book related activities. We had a shout out on the BBC live lesson, completed a scavenger hunt around school, guessed the books the staff were reading and created our very own book cover. We also tried to clock up as many minutes as we could reading and enjoyed our Wonka bar celebrations. Year 5 won 5 tickets which included a breakfast for the class and 2 popcorn and film prizes!

Music: Pitch triangles

ART. The children have been exploring typography and created their own names using their unique designs.

Back To The App: Key Stage 2 watched a performance that portrayed the importance of online safety. They also explored different apps, the age restrictions for these apps and the amount of time to spend online.

Children’s mental health week. The children have thought about their achievements, what matters most to them and how everyone matters. We have created a compliments tree in our classroom where the children can spot the achievements of others and make others aware of them too. We have also taken part in some relaxing and reenergising yoga.

Friday 2nd February. Year 5 enjoyed the Dog’s Trust workshop today and learned more about how to treat dogs respectfully.

DT project. Making Doodlers. The children had a great time testing, evaluating, designing and creating their own doodlers. We all had a great time testing out the final products. Well done Year 5!

Doodlers in action!

Still image for this video

Doodlers in action!

Still image for this video

Doodlers in action!

Still image for this video

Doodlers in action!

Still image for this video

Doodlers in action!

Still image for this video

Doodlers in action!

Still image for this video

Doodlers in action!

Still image for this video

Doodlers in action!

Still image for this video

Merry Christmas to all of Year 5 and their parents and careers.

Year 5 designed and created pop up books in DT using different mechanisms. We then went to Year 1 and shared them with the younger children who thought they were great.

Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th November 

This week the Year 5 children have taken part in some workshops on how to stay safe. On Tuesday, we had a workshop from the NSPCC who spoke about staying safe and speaking out. On Wednesday, we were lucky to have Loudmouth which came into school and performed for Year 5&6. They demonstrated a number of scenarios that some children can find themselves in and how to speak out about them in order to stay safe. This involved many areas, including speaking to strangers online, doing things for other people in return for gifts and also how to stand up for what you think is right even if your friends are doing the wrong thing. The children were amazing and could recall the PANTS phrase that helps them to stay safe.

Tuesday 21st November

In science this week the children have used different methods to separate mixtures. They were evaporation, filtration, sieving and separation using magnets.

VIKING WORKSHOP. The children have had a wonderful day learning about battle formations, weapons, democracy, artefacts and Viking games. The children were amazing and learned lots of new facts.

Some of our lovely shields that were made over half term.

Viking craft final creations!

A huge thank you to everyone who was able to come and help out at our Viking craft morning. The children had a wonderful time.

This week, the children worked creatively to produce their set designs. All showed great respect for each other’s ideas and worked well as a team. Also, they are just the best at tidying up the classroom and ensuring that resources were put away and the room was spotless. A great effort by everyone! Well done year 5!

Geography Fieldwork Local Walk

Wednesday 27th September 

Year 5 Tennis Stars!

Year 5 had a great tennis session today and all worked hard to develop their skills in this area. There were definite signs of budding Wimbledon champions, so watch this space!

Year 5 Reading Breakfast Thursday 21st September

What a lovely morning we had in Year 5 today! A huge thank you to all of the adults who were able to make it to our reading breakfast. It was lovely to welcome you into school and to meet so many of you. The children had such a lovely time and enjoyed sharing their learning environment with you. At Hugo Meynell, we are passionate about reading, and we are focussed on providing children with as many opportunities as possible to read a wide range of subject matter across all subjects throughout each and every day. We know the importance of reading and are committed to improving both the skills and the passion for reading amongst all children.


If you have any questions regarding reading, or anything Year 5 related, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Hobson or Mrs Hollins. 

Friday 15th September

Year 5 have had a great week and are really settling into routines. They have all been very polite and respectful and extremely patient whilst we set up things and get to know them. The children have been using the chromebooks to look at e-safety, which we will be doing more work on next week. In Geography, the children have been using an atlas to locate countries that the Alps spread through. I have been really impressed with the sped and accuracy in which the children have done this. Big well done! This week, the children have also been doing lots of writing and showing off their skills. Lots of team points and stickers have been awarded. 


We are looking forward to our reading breakfast next week on Thursday 21st September 8:40am-9:15am, and we hope to see lots of you there.


Next week, the Year 5 children have a special tennis taster session on Wednesday 20th September, so they will need to come into school in their PE kits.

Year 5 welcome newsletter Autumn 2023

Friday 8th September


What a great first few days back with the sun shining! 

We are really impressed with how quickly the children have settled and how eager they all are to learn.

We are really looking forward to the year ahead.


This week we have been doing lots of getting to know you and settling in activities to ensure that the children feel safe and comfortable in their new classroom. A Year 5 newsletter has been sent home today with lots of information for both you and your child (please see above).





Year 5 have had a lovely day learning all about the Battle of Blore Heath in 1459. The children started by plotting out a timeline of the history learned in Key Stage 2 so far. They then used chrome books to research the War of the Roses and the battle itself and created their own factfile on the events that took place. They also used maps online to map out where the battle took place. We have had lots of great discussions about what happened. Maybe ask them about the significance of the anvil that is outside St Mary’s Church at Mucklestone. I’m sure the children would be thrilled to share their knowledge with you. 
Well done Year 5!


This week, Year 5 have been developing their fieldwork skills in Geography. We set off around our local area to discover how littered our environment is. The children recorded what they found on a tally chart and also marked on a map where they found the most rubbish. At the Co-Op, the children were surprised to see huge amounts of litter, despite there being four bins within the vicinity. Although they were pleased to see staff from the Co-Op out picking up litter.


Armed with litter pickers, the children cleared the grass and filled a bag before making our way back to school. On returning to school, the children collated their data into a table and produced different graphs using 2Graph on Purple Mash.

Whilst on our local walk, the children also looked at the different types of land use. Using maps, they learned about the different types of land use and could identify the amount of residential housing. Using Digimaps, we zoomed out of our immediate local area and the children could clearly see the huge amount of agricultural land around Loggerheads and beyond.

The children have really enjoyed exploring our local environment and developing their Geography skills. Well done Year 5!

Friday 16th June. SPORTS DAY! What a great day! Well done to Year 5 who all joined in and played as part of a great team!

Thursday 15th June. Messy Church - The Trinity. Children created doves to represent the Holy Spirit and made bracelets using 3 threads to represent the Trinity.

Wednesday 14th June. History - Ancient Greek Timeline

Thursday 8th June - History - Ancient Greece timeline

Wednesday 7th June. The children chopped and tasted different fruits before designing and creating their own fruit mocktails. The children evaluated them and Mrs Hobson and Mrs Forrest tasted them to review them. They were all delicious. A super job Year 5!

Thursday 25th May. The children have worked really hard this week in computing on 3D Modelling. They created their own packaging or vehicle net that they printed out and made a 3D modelling from.

Friday 12th May

Another short week, but year 5 has still powered through. Despite lots of changes this week due to SATS, the children have coped immensely well and they have not let it affect their learning. 

In maths, the children have been identifying shapes and have also continued practising the use of a protractor. 

In English, the children have been online researching landfills so that they can create their own persuasive information text next week.


We had a wonderful PSHE lesson in which the children had to write about two people who they have a loving relationship with - one within their family and one outside of their family. There were some lovely pieces written that were truly heartfelt and brought a tear to many eyes when read! We have such lovely children in Year 5. 

Coronation celebrations

Friday 5th May

We have had a wonderful three day week with Year 5. The children have worked hard on angles in maths this week where they have been finding missing angles on a straight line and around a point. In English, they have been looking at using modal verbs in their writing to show different degrees of possibility. 


To celebrate the upcoming coronation, the children have been using their geography skills by using atlases to identify countries across the Commonwealth. The children became history detectives to help prepare for the weekend's crowning of the King. Using the outline portrait of King Charles and the Union flag, the children have used different images that represent this time to make creative collages. The children also spread wild seed in our gardens, which we look forward to seeing blossom soon. 


We had a wonderful celebration of the superb crowns that the children have made, and Isla was crowned the Year 5 winner! Super effort! 

PE - throwing and catching

Friday 18th April

The children have been full of stories from their residential at Laches Wood last week. We are all really proud of them for trying new things and behaving so well.


The children have really enjoyed the Maths this week where they have been estimating and measuring angles using a protractor. Great fun! In English we have started to look at our new class text 'The Paperbag Prince'. We have been focussing on our environment and created posters to persuade others around school to use less plastic. In Geography, we have started our oceans unit in which we looked at ways that we use the ocean. For computing, the children have been creating their own games using 2DIY3D which they are really excited about. We have been practising throwing and catching skills in PE to help with cricket and rounders.


A great week!

Geography Fieldwork - Easter Challenge

Friday 31st March

What a great half term we have had in Year 5!



The children have designed and made their own mobile phone cases. The children have worked extremely hard this  to complete their sewing project. They demonstrated fantastic resilience and perseverance and a huge sense of pride upon completion. Well done to you all. Your cases are wonderful and you all displayed growing confidence and accuracy in your sewing techniques! 



This week the children have conducted an Easter project within geography fieldwork in and around the school grounds. They found twelve eggs in varying locations and had to write the four and six figure grid references related to our school map. 


Linking to the geography unit of River Deep, Mountain High, the children have worked in pairs and small groups to create dances around this theme. They thought about the shape, height and speed of their movements to represent the different stages of a river.



The children have finished our unit on the Darkest Dark by researching and writing a biography about Chris Hadfield. Within this they have displayed many grammatical features taught this half term including the use of brackets for parenthesis.



The children really enjoyed the unit on databases and learning how to record information and why this is useful. This week we started our new unit Game Creator in which the children are to create a maze for their own game. The children are really looking forward to creating their own games in the Summer term.


We wish you all a happy Easter and we will see you in a couple of weeks.


Friday 10th March

French This half term we are focusing on the retrieval of previously learnt French words and phrases. Children have revisited counting to 31 in French with the correct pronunciation. D&T Last week, we made a great start to our new D&T unit, Textiles. The children were very excited to design their own mobile phone case which they will later create using sewing and other joining techniques. There are some fantastic designs and the children have even created a shopping list for the materials they require. This week, the children were very excited to use their measurements to carefully create paper templates for their device pouch. After some trial and error, the children were happy to have created a suitable template that has the correct dimensions. 



The children have been working really hard on the unit fractions, decimals and percentages. They have really shown a good understanding of how to find the equivalence for these and how to use prior knowledge of converting fractions in order to solve problems. We are now moving on to are and perimeter, so lots of measuring has been taking place towards the end of the week.



On Wednesday, the children completed their databases in which they created up to eight records with each containing six fields. Throughout the unit, they have used the software 2investigate on Purple Mash to sort data in different ways and to search for specific data in order to answer questions.

Tuesday 14th February

Today the children were able to celebrate their learning in Music by performing for the whole school, this half term they have learned how music can improve the world.  The song performed was a freedom song from South Africa about Apartheid.  Apartheid was a period of time when groups of people were kept separate from each other.  The lyrics were repetitive and called for freedom and justice.  The children were asked what they had found tricky when learning the song and also how it made them feel.  Key vocabularies such as pulse, beat, rhythm and melody were also discussed with the audience once they had listened and appraised the piece.  An excellent performance Year 5, well done! yes


Our Freedom performance

Friday 10th January


This week, our focus has been on Mental Health Week. We have discussed the importance of making connections for our mental health. We have completed lots of different activities and the children have discussed and shared many things and the children have shown maturity in their ability to reflect on their own emotions and how this affects others. In Music, the children have had a final rehearsal of their performance piece which involves singing and playing numerous notes on the glockenspiel. We have had an extended art session where the children have created their own island as a 3D visual map. Pulling together their previous learning of creating effective typefaces and making images stand out on maps, the children designed and then created their own 3D map. Their text shapes and patterns reflected the geographical features of their map and many features were created by manipulating paper and card to create a 3D effect.  

Wednesday 8th February

Year 5 experienced a Muslim workshop led by Waheeda from the Minority Ethnic Achievement Service.


Waheeda entered the classroom wearing a Burka and the children were asked to answer a range of questions about their thoughts and opinions on our visitor. After this, Waheeda explained in detail about the clothing and beliefs of Muslims. The children were free to discuss and ask questions in order to develop their knowledge further.


The children gained great knowledge and experience from the session and thoroughly enjoyed exploring more about diversity.




Friday 3rd February

In French this week, the children have continued to work on their fluency when ordering a variety of breakfast items and drinks. In Art, we have explored making powerful, visual images. Through the use of bold backgrounds (road maps), the children have developed strong mark-making skills by drawing characters linked to our English text. In Music, we continue to explore how music can improve our world. We are focusing on performing a song which celebrates freedom in South Africa with the help of our voices and the glockenspiel.


On Wednesday, we had a visitor from The Grove. Mrs Shone, Head of Year 7 and History teacher, came into Year 5 to complete a fantastic History lesson with the children. During the session, the children learnt about the Black Death and we had great fun re-enacting a surgery that would have taken place in those days. Well done to Jayden for being such a great sport!


We also had a wonderful workshop on Thursday from the CBBFC. They have the fantastic job of age classifying films. The children learned how to classify films by watching clips and looking out for certain criteria that would rate the film appropriately. The children really enjoyed this session and it was a great link to our OSHE where we have been looking at rules and laws this half term.


Number Day today was a great success with lots of lovely ideas brought in. We played Bingo which the children have loved! They have played lots of games and had a great day.

Friday 27th January


In French this week, the children have enjoyed learning how to order a selection of breakfast items from a French menu. In addition to rehearsing their French greetings and manners, the children have taken on the role of waiter and customer to receive breakfast orders as well as making breakfast orders themselves. In Art, we have continued to explore typography. The children have experimented with a range of typefaces to display names in attractive and interesting ways.


In Maths this week, the children have worked hard to multiply fractions and mixed numbers by an integer and have done really well when faced with them in challenging word problems.


For English, the focus has been cohesion between paragraphs, so the children have been writing sentences for the opening of paragraphs for a range of texts. They have then implemented this into their independent writing task today.


A great week Year 5.

Snowy Days

Indoor athletics

Friday 20th January

Despite the weather disruptions this week, Year 5 have remained focused in school and have applied themselves really well as well as having lots of fun. 


In Geography the children have looked at different mountain types and how they are made, as well as looing at what it is like on a mountain. The children have continued to develop their IT skills using spreadsheets to calculate fomulae for area and perimeter. Even though this was challenging, the children showed great resilience. In PE, the children have really enjoyed continuing their indoor athletics and have seen improvements in their scores week on week.


A great fun week had by all!

Friday 13th January


Year 5 have been working really hard this week to crack long multiplication. Then, just to keep them on their toes, we have also started short division using the bus stop method. The children have shown great resilience and kept pushing themselves, even when they found it challenging.


In English, the children have been exploring expanded noun phrases which they included in their free verse poems linked to a Norse myth. The children have been busy exploring vocabulary and making careful word choices in order to improve their work.


The children really enjoyed carrying on with spreadsheets in computing this week. They were exploring a hypothesis about the most common letter used in our alphabet using formulae to do so.


In art, the children have been making their name using typography, a lovely range of work was produced.


Another great week in Year 5!

Friday 6th January

Happy New Year and welcome back! We hope you all had an enjoyable and restful Christmas.

The children have come back and made a great start to this term already. 

A big welcome to Mrs Heath who will be teaching Year 5 on Mondays and Tuesdays.


In Maths, we have been multiplying up to 3-digits by 3-digits, which the children have worked really hard on. They have grasped the grid method (area model) and have been trying to work with long multiplication method. Even thought this has been a challenge, the children have shown great resilience and kept trying in order to get more confident each day. 


In English, the children have had a great week using relative clauses in their writing. Again, a challenge for many, but they have continued to try and use them in their work as well as punctuating correctly. 


Our new Geography topic, River Deep; Mountain High has intrigued the children this week as we have started by looking at what a mountain is. There will be lots of map work and new vocabulary ahead which will enable the children to speak confidently about this topic.


In PE, the children have had a wonderful time exploring new apparatus for our indoor athletics. The children were also really engaged in our Computing this week where we have started to look at Spreadsheets.


A great start to the Spring term Year 5!

Special Visitors! And apparently we are ALL on the good list!! Have a lovely Christmas x

Christmas dinner

Year 5 DT Fairground Rides. The whole school came to see our superb display!

Our fairground rides in action!

Still image for this video

Year 5 DT Fairground Rides. The Final products.

DT and Christingle

Friday 2nd December


Year 5 have had yet another super week. The children been really focused on doing well in their assessments which we finished earlier this week. 


They have been having a great time in DT in which they are all making a fairground ride. The children are working in pairs or small groups to go through the steps together. So far, this has involved measuring, sawing, sanding, gluing and making a otor work using an electric circuit. The children, and ourselves, are all eager to see the final results.


On Thursday, the children were treated to some wonderful crafts and worships during our Christingle day. The children made a Christingle, played a game and created a lovely candle. 

To finish the week, all of the children and a wonderful time at the panto!


Another super week Year 5!

Children In Need

Friday 18th November

The children have had a super week doing lots of different activities. On Monday, the children spent the day discussing and thinking about road safety. They were particularly interested in finding out more about the different types of crossings. Also this week, the children have been thinking about anti-bullying. During the week, we have been discussing a range of scenarios and the different ways to respond in these situations. The children have discussed how to deal with bullying and what bullying is using STOP (Several Times On Purpose and Start Telling Other People). They went on to create posters to help others.


On Friday, all of the children made a huge effort to support Children in Need. They all dressed up, bought snacks and merchandise and had their faces dotted. The children wrote persuasive letters to encourage others to raise money for this great charity. They also completed different activities to help raise awareness.


Above are some photos from the week.

Friday 11th November


The children have had a great week in Year 5.


We have started fractions in Maths, and although there was some reluctancy at first, the children have persevered and shown great resilience in working through this challenging area. By the end of the week we have ended up with lots of happy faces!


In English, the children have been working on noun phrases, similes and personification, which cumulated in then creating a class poem about a winter forest (see picture above). They have been really enthusiastic and come up with some lovely phrases. As well, as this, we have been looking at apostrophes for possession for both singular and plural nouns. Another tricky area that we are really focussing on.


During our History lesson, the children used a range of reliable resources to gather information about Anglo-Saxon and Viking life. They used a Venn diagram to show the similarities and differences. 


Within our Coding lesson, the children have all been keen to share and apply their building knowledge. Everyone was thrilled to receive three team points each for being able to explain the Computing Science strand which we are learning about.


Thank you Year 5, another great week!

Friday 4th November

What a great start to this half term! The children have been really enthusiastic and engaged in all activities across the curriculum. It's been lovely to have the children back.


In Maths the children have been looking at prime, square and cube numbers, as well as multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000. The children have tried really hard with all of these areas. In English, we have started to look at a new class text 'The Lost Happy Endings' and the children have been developing their use of language within their written work by looking at adding prepositional phrases. 


We are looking at coding in our Computing lessons, and this week the children were simulating a physical system by writing an algorithm for traffic lights. They also used reliable sources in History to answer the question 'Why was King Alfred Great?'.







Year 5 Trying different texts in our guided reading session.

Thursday 20th October


Year 5 have had a great week. They have continued to work hard in English; writing a series of diary entries to finish off our unit. On Thursday the children spent a lot of time editing and improving their work and spotting their own errors that they were able to change.


In Maths, the children have been looking at factors and multiples. 


This week, they have been learning more about the Vikings invading Britain and creating their own timeline of events. Lots of the children found this interesting as they had to read the information and decide on what events to write about. The children are showing a great understanding of the learning that has taken place so far.


In our guided reading session on Friday, the children enjoyed 'Try a Text' where they chose something different to read. There are many options to choose from in our classroom including newspapers, magazines, and topic related texts.


We hope you all have a lovely half term. We look forward to welcoming the children back refreshed and ready to learn.


Hello Yellow

Art - Take a look at our set designs

Year 5 have been focusing on 'Set Design' for their Autumn 1 art topic.


We have spent time over the last few weeks considering the elements of sets and why set designs and models are purposeful.

We then researched some famous examples such as War Horse and spent time planning our own set design with a partner linked to a sentence prompt. Back drops, structure and props were used to portray the chosen atmosphere and I think you'll agree that the children have created some brilliant results using their imagination, team work and a variety of mediums.

Wednesday 5th October


VIKING WORKSHOP (Please see slideshow)

Year 5 had an amazing day learning more about the Vikings. Throughout the day, they were immersed within the Viking world where they experienced battle against each other. They were shown the weapons and the correct formations that were used. The class took part in a 'Thing', which was a democratic assembly, in which they were faced with different situations that they had to vote on. Throughout this, they had to keep in mind the three ranks in society and try to keep them all happy. The children played Viking games called 'Nine Men's Morris and 'Hnefatafl'. The children really enjoyed these games, and they worked well in small teams to try and out-do their opponents. In the afternoon, the children took part in an archaeological dig where they found items and then had to decipher what they were, what they were used for and what period of history they were from. To finish the day, the children asked lots of interesting questions which broadened their knowledge and understanding further.


We all had a superb day, and we all learned many new things. The children were fantastic in their contributions, behaviour and engagement in all of the sessions - which was also noted by the leader of the workshop. I was extremely proud of them and their efforts!

Friday 30th September


Year 5 have been looking at rounding numbers up to 1,000,000 in Maths this week. The children have worked hard to try to identify which digits change and when they stay the same. In English, we have continued to read our class text, and the children have been newspaper reporters. They have asked interested, open ended questions for the main character, and then they have written this up in the style of an article trying to use commas with fronted adverbials.


In PSHE, the children took part in a democratic vote to decide on our new School Council representatives for Year 5. A huge well done to everyone who took part. The children have enjoyed creating adverts for their Viking longships, ensuring that they included lots of interesting facts and detail about them. In Art the children have been practising hatching and shading. With Bee Active, they have been running and taking part in relay races.


A great week Year 5!



Friday 23rd September

Year 5 have been working hard in all areas this week. We have been looking at numbers up to 1,000,000 in Maths, and writing correctly punctuated multi-clause sentences in English based on our class text 'The Queen of the Falls'.


In History, we have been looking at the Viking longships and how they were made. Next week the children will be creating adverts using this information. Our PSHE lesson has been looking at the qualities required for School Council representatives. The children thought hard about this and came up with lots of interesting ideas in our discussions. It was lovely to see the children referring to our school values and the ways that they would want them reflected in our class representative. The children enjoyed their athletics session with Bee Active this week. We have also started to look at online safety - which we will be doing over the next few weeks.


Hopefully you have received the letter regarding our History Vikings workshop on Wednesday 5th October. The children are really excited about this.


Another great week Year 5!



Friday 16th September


What a great week we have had in Year 5! The children have been busy, working hard in all areas. In Maths we have started to look at Place Value, and in English the children have planned and written a diary entry as Danny Macaskill - a daredevil mountain biker. We have been really impressed with how the children have applied their previous knowledge from Year 4 in their written work. 


In Science, the children have started their unit on chemistry 'Properties and Changes of Materials'. They looked at different statements and applied previous knowledge to determine their accuracy.


They have been learning about set design in Art. They looked at War Horse and the set design that goes into a production. Thinking about school, the children had to draw miniature pictures of things that came to mind.


Our history unit 'Vikings: Raiders or Settlers' has been fully embraced by all of the children. They thoroughly enjoyed exploring what life was like in Britain before the Vikings invaded. They also retrieved a lot of information from prior learning in Year 3.


On Friday, we took the morning to reflect on the life of Queen Elizabeth II and the ways in which she demonstrated our school values. The children organised themselves into groups and used a range of resources to search for examples where the Queen was resilient, fair, honest, loving and caring, forgiving and respectful. It was wonderful to see the children's enthusiasm and eagerness to produce wonderful posters. These were shared in our celebration assembly.



Friday 9th September


Welcome to Year 5! We hope you have all had a lovely Summer and have enjoyed relaxing and eating lots of ice cream. 


The children have had a wonderful start to the year and have all settled in really well this week. They are all extremely polite and full of enthusiasm, which is brilliant.


This week the children have been fully immersed into our history unit Vikings: Raiders or Settlers? They have done lots of fun activities including making their own Viking longships as well as braiding their own Viking trollens. They have created their own Viking shields and have made great attempts to draw Vikings. A super effort has been made by all of the children; they have shown a great deal of patience and resilience during many of these activities.


We have started our PSHE unit Me and My School, where the children have created their own Year 5 Class Rules as well as creating shields to demonstrate their strengths both in and out of school. 


The classroom is looking great, with lots of prompts for the children to use, as well as the children's work being displayed.


Friday 15th July


This week, Year 5 have continued to look at volume in maths. In English, they have looked at the history of the circus, and they have written their own circus poetry. Some chose to do acrostic poems, whilst others chose repetition style poems.


In Computing, the children created their own databases using a chosen subject to focus on. They created their own fields to be included and ensured that there was enough detail about each item in their database.


On Friday, the children had a great treat day. They started the day with glow sports, followed by hungry hippos, bouncy castle and archery. Lots of the children showed great skill in the archery and I was very impressed! In the afternoon, the children had a session in the big top where the children enjoyed getting involved in the circus activities.


The children have been amazing this week. It's been wonderful to have taught them this year. We wish you all the best for Year 6!

Friday 8th July


Year 5 have had a great week and have particularly enjoyed their transition sessions into Year 6 with Mrs Adcock. They designed dream jars and used decoupage to create aspirations for Year 6.


The children have continued to look at volume in Maths, as well lines of symmetry. The children have been working hard on learning and recalling vocabulary around shape.


As part of their final English session, the children have completed their persuasive posters/leaflets around landfill waste. The children expressed their ideas clearly and presented their work beautifully.


In Science, the children chose an animal to research using the chrome books. They looked at the gestation periods of their own one and then compared them as a class.


We tried to create our own class database in Computing this week. Things were going really well, until it wouldn't save, so we will be back to look at this again next week.


In History this week, the children compared the Ancient Olympic Games to the Modern Olympic Games. They used secondary sources to find out information and answer questions. Homework this week is looking at the Trojan War.


With lots of change to their normal routines this week, the children have been extremely well behaved and helpful in getting on with things. There are many exciting things happening next week for the children to enjoy. 




Friday 1st July


In Maths this week, the children have been looking at position and direction and translating shapes. The children have plotted co-ordinates on a grid as well as looking at converting units of measure.



In English, we have come to the end of our class text, ‘The Paperbag Prince’. The children have thoroughly enjoyed reading the text and have been engaged throughout. They have come to their final activity today which is to plan a persuasive leaflet around landfill waste. This has generated great discussions within the class and the children have shown great maturity and reflection around this subject. They will create their leaflets next week.




On Tuesday, the children looked at the changes in males and females that occur during puberty. The children were very sensible and asked lots of mature, interesting questions to help them to feel more comfortable and confident around this subject.


Our history lesson this week involved a debate about Athens v Sparta. The children looked at secondary sources to identify reasons for one or the other. Then they had to decide whether they would have preferred to live in Athens or Sparta. Again, great discussions were had and the children learned a lot about the Ancient Greek way of life.


The children had a great afternoon on Thursday in computing. They spent the time exploring an alien database, answering quizzes using the databases and then they finally created their own quiz for others to complete. The children had a lot of fun and learned new ways to find and sort information.





We have also chosen a new class text for the end of day story, Alice in Wonderland, which the children seem to really be enjoying.

Friday 24th June


We started our assessments this week and will be continuing them next week. So far, the children have worked hard to apply themselves in the Maths assessments.


This week, in English, the children have been exploring the class text further and investigating the feelings and emotions of the main character. They have written two letters this week: one to the council as a villager complaining about the rubbish dump, and one to the council from the main character written 40 years ago. The children all used lots of grammar and vocabulary well within both pieces and used lots of emotive language.


We started to look at a new unit in Computing this week all about databases. The children were exploring the way that the information was presented in a variety of different ways and discussing which worked best and in which context.


History this week was looking at daily life in ancient Greece. The children used secondary sources to research different areas of life and started to record this in their books.


In RE, the children have looked at Muslim traditional clothing and worked together to device their own questions to further their understanding. This was a great opportunity for them to explore further and build on the diversity workshops from last half term. 

Friday 17th June


Maths this week as allowed the children to explore protractors with lots of practise on how to use them accurately. They have been measuring angles as well as drawing their own. All of the children were confidently discussing and calculating angles on a straight line and around a point by the end of the week.


For English this week, the children have explored pictures within our class text and used a thesaurus to help them write descriptive paragraphs that included modal verbs. They have completed a free write session that was a story based on a turtle’s point of view living in a sea full of plastic.

In Science this week, the children have been looking at the human life cycle. They watched a video and identified and discussed the different stages.


In Bee Active the children had great fun in rounders where they practised their batting skills. They developed this further in a game.


Delving deeper into the Ancient Greeks, the children explored Greek vases in Art. They looked at the different designs and how these changed over time as well as the meanings behind the designs. They compared the differences between pottery of the rich and poor and how they were used as trade for other items.

In History, the children looked at Alexander the Great and the effect that his ruling had over Ancient Greece. They researched the people of this time and wrote about them and their experiences.

of view living in a sea full of plastic.


In Science this week, the children have been looking at the human life cycle. They watched a video and identified and discussed the different stages.

In Bee Active the children had great fun in rounders where they practised their batting skills. They developed this further in a game.


Delving deeper into the Ancient Greeks, the children explored Greek vases in Art. They looked at the different designs and how these changed over time as well as the meanings behind the designs. They compared the differences between pottery of the rich and poor and how they were used as trade for other items.


In History, the children looked at Alexander the Great and the effect that his ruling had over Ancient Greece. They researched the people of this time and wrote about them and their experiences.

Friday 10th June

Year 5 have started this half term full of energy and intrigue.


In English this week, the children have been introduced to our new class text ‘The Paperbag Prince’. We spent time looking at various clips discussing plastic pollution and the damage it is doing to our planet. We then discussed how we use plastics and decided in small groups on the importance of plastic items. They then created posters to encourage others to use less plastic in their lives. These have been put up around school for everyone to see.


We also started a brand new maths topic focussing on the properties of shape and began this by recapping types of angles. They have also been looking at comparing and ordering angles and measuring angles in degrees. They have also been looking at volume and measure in our starter activities.


Tuesday marked our school jubilee celebrations and we had a packed day of arts and craft activities as well as Bee Active and our picnic lunch. A great day was had by all!


The children have continued with coding in Computing this week, and they have started to develop their own game based on another called ‘Alien Blast’.


We have started our history section of ‘Take a look into Greece’ topic which looks at Ancient Greece. The children have looked at Ancient Greece within the timeline of history, as well as the timeline of events within that time period itself.


On Thursday, the children enjoyed taking part in the Pentecost Party. They participated in drama, art or clay workshops where they produced some creative pieces that were all brought together and presented back to the school in a whole school worship at the end of the day. It was a great day and the children learned all about Pentecost.

Learning to count in Urdu Tuesday 24th May

Still image for this video

Thursday 26th May

In English this week, Year 5 have been editing their Chris Hadfield biographies and they have written them up neat for display. The children have worked really hard this term, and this is evident in the great work they have produced. We also had five children who received a pen licence this week, as they have shown great perseverance in improving their handwriting. Well done!

In Maths, the children have been looking at multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000. They have remembered the process well and been able to apply this to problem solving.


In Science this week, the children looked at an egg and labelled the parts and their purpose. They then looked at the life cycle of a bird and compared it to the life cycles they have already explored. 

On Tuesday, the children experienced a day of diversity workshops. The children explored a range of themes:

  • Refugees’ journeys – in which they explored what it takes to become a British citizen.
  • Learning about Muslims and looking at their clothing and way of life.
  • Learning Chinese calligraphy.
  • Learning to write and speak Urdu.

The children were extremely well behaved for our visitors from Entrust, and they asked many interesting questions which helped to broaden their understanding of diversity. (See slideshow photos and video below).


The children had a great PE lesson with Bee Active on Wednesday. They joined Year 6 and had an orienteering session. The children worked well in teams to collect as many items as they could and there was lots of fun had by all!

In Computing, the children continued with coding, and this week they learned how to add functions to their codes that can be used repeatedly throughout a game.


We finished our week with a good old sing song with Peter in the hall and the community choir to start our celebrations of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.


We hope you all have a restful half term and enjoy the Jubilee celebrations!

Friday 20th May

This week Year 5 have been working hard exploring biographies in English. They have looked at biographies about Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake in order to gain an understanding of the genre. They have then been researching about Chris Hadfield to find information that they want to include in their biography about him. This is the final written piece that links to his book ‘The Darkest Dark’.


This week in Science we looked at metamorphosis and the processes that take place. The children compared the lifecycles of amphibians and insects and then completed their own to show their understanding.


In Maths, the children have been adding and subtracting decimals with both the same and different number of decimal places. Through trial and error, they have created a checklist on how to make sure they succeed in this area. They have also been applying these skills to problem solving questions.


The children had their final Chance to Shine cricket session this week. They practised their bowling and catching skills before playing a final game together. They had so much fun and really got into it. We have many children who have shown some really great cricket skills. Well done to everyone as you have all made great improvements in such a short space of time.

We have continued to look at Greece in our Geography lesson this week and the children used online maps to compare features of the land between Loggerheads and Athens. They also watched a video about children living in Greece, and from this they created an itinerary for a day in Athens.

In PSHE, the children have been exploring different relationships that they have with people both within and out of their families and understanding why they are close to certain people. They identified similar traits within all the people that they care about. We also discussed the meaning of love and how this can have a different meaning for different people.

Music Lesson 13.05.22

Still image for this video

Friday 13th May

In Maths, the children have been looking at ordering and comparing decimals and fractions as well as looking at percentages. They have worked hard to link decimals and fractions to percentages and to understand how to find the equivalence for each one.


In English, we have looked more at the class text ‘The Darkest Dark’. The children have practised using parenthesis to add extra information and continued to write complex sentences using a variety of subordinate clauses. They have explored the character within the book and identified the ways in which he has changed and grown within the story. In our spelling sessions, the children are becoming more confident in how to change verbs and nouns into adjectives by adding the correct suffix.


During our science lesson, we looked at different types of mammals and compared the lifecycles of them.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed our computing lesson this week in which they created an algorithm and applied this to a simulation. They had to figure out the steps of a traffic light sequence and they all managed to get their lights to work correctly. Well done!


We have continued to look at gender stereotypes in PSHE and the children have explored where our ideas of these come from – including people around them and the media.


It has been amazing to see, in such a short amount of time, the children’s cricket skills progressing. This week the children were practising their bowling skills and everyone persevered in order to perfect their bowl. In the match at the end of the session, all of the children worked well as a team. They demonstrated their skills and had a great time. Well done Year 5.


For our geography lesson, the children have looked at the varying landscape of Greece and identified both human and physical features of the land. They were amazed by the variety of landscape within the country.


In RE the children have been exploring why people believed that Jesus was the Messiah.


They have also enjoyed their music lesson this week in which they have used the glockenspiels to play along to the track ‘Dancing in the Streets’. A thoroughly enjoyable afternoon was had by all!


Friday 6th May



This week in English, Year 5 have continued to look at our class text ‘The Darkest Dark’. They have been working hard to punctuate a range of sentence types correctly and using a range of clauses in their writing. They have also been using adverbial phrases to vary their sentences. It has been great to see the children apply themselves this week and gain confidence from seeing how well they have achieved in this area.


In Maths, we have looked at fractions and decimals, and the children are becoming much more fluent in their understanding of how these relate. They have been eager to apply their skills in lessons and to share with the class their thoughts and ideas.


We started a new topic in Science this week called ‘Living Things and their Habitats’. The children looked at how plants reproduce and they were very excited to take part in the dissection of a tulip. After this they labelled a diagram and added more information about each part and their purpose.


During Bee Active, the children were recording their personal bests for different types of jumps.

Our second Chance to Shine session, the children were developing their batting skills. They were really well in groups to practise their batting and catching before playing a game at the end. The children were really enthusiastic and played really fairly. We certainly have some cricket super stars in Year 5!

In computing, the children have looked at how to change the code in a game to make it work. They also had a go at creating their own simple version of a catching game which they all really enjoyed.


The curriculum lesson this week focussed on locating areas on a European and Greek map. The children used a range of sources to help them to succeed including the Oddizzi online map, atlases and the map display in the classroom. Children were busy all afternoon discussing and sharing with each other.

Another great week in Year 5!

Friday 29th April 2022


This week the children have been introduced to our new class text in English called ‘The Darkest Dark’ by Chris Hadfield. Everyone has been thoroughly engaged in lessons whilst sharing their predictions about the text. They have also been working hard on improving their sentence structures by creating complex sentences and adding relative clauses.



In maths, the children have been looking at decimals to 2 decimal places as well as recapping their accuracy of addition, subtraction and multiplication of fractions.


Our new computing topic is all about coding, and the children were really excited to use Purple Mash to explore the efficiency of coding in games. They are really looking forward to our next lesson and have shown great maturity and efficiency when using the chrome books.


We have a new curriculum topic for the summer term which is ‘Take a peek into Greece’. This half term we will be looking at Greece as geographers. This week, the children have been exploring European countries, their location within Europe and the differences and similarities between them.



It was Year 5’s first Chance to Shine session on Thursday and they all had a great time. They worked on developing their catching skills through a variety of games and worked well together. 


A big well done to all of the children who completed their Easter homework which involved making and labelling a model river. There have been some super creations which have been produced in a variety of interesting ways. 



A great start to the Summer term Year 5! Well done and keep up the great work!


Friday 8th April 2022


We have reached the end of the spring term with another productive week in Year 5.


We rounded off our science topic of Earth and Space by learning more about time zones and the children were also tasked with evaluating a range of evidence about the moon landings and debating whether this did or didn't take place. Many of them felt very strongly about their viewpoint and it made for some fantastic discussion. In maths, the children have been really busy this week revising a range of objectives. They have been comparing and ordering decimals, practising their column multiplication, using addition and subtraction to solve multi step word problems, as well as consolidating their understanding of square and cube numbers. They have recapped rounding up to 100,000 as well as recognising factors and multiples. The children have also been looking at various grammar and punctuation objectives in English where they have used commas in lists, turned nouns and adjectives into verbs and identified clauses. To complete our Rivers topic, the children have been looking at the impact of flooding and ways to try to prevent it. As well as this, they have looked at fact-files about rivers around the world and created their own. In PSHE we have completed 'Me and My Safety' by thinking about people who help keep us safe and healthy and how they do this. They have finished off this term by making Easter cards with Mrs El in RE.



We hope you have a lovely Easter break and we will see you all ready for a super summer term!


P.S - here are some photos from our trip last week as promised and some photos of the children learning in the classroom...




Friday 1st April 2022


Across Monday and Tuesday, the children worked really hard to complete their reading and arithmetic assessments. In French, we carried on with Au Cafe and revised the phrases for ordering food and drink. Our science lesson this week consisted of questioning why day and night occur and the common misconception that the sun moves across the sky. We debated this and then spent time outside working in small groups re-enacting the movement of the sun, moon and earth and using the accurate vocabulary of spherical, axis, rotate and orbit. Some of the children acted as experts and moved around the groups advising and giving feedback.


Year 5 had an amazing day out at the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre on Wednesday and we were lucky with the weather all day too. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the meadows and learning more about rivers by investigating the River Onny. They looked at erosion and deposition as well as learning how to look at the depth and flow of the river. They worked well in small groups to calculate the speed of the river by timing how long it took for a stick to travel 10 metres. They repeated this 5 times then took the average. The guides were very knowledgeable about the local area and gave the children lots of tips about how to identify how the river has changed its course over many years. After lunch, they had the opportunity to look around the exhibition and learn more about the history of the local area. This also included a skeleton replica of a mammoth found close by in Ludlow, which the children found fascinating. They also spent time finding facts for a quiz and dressing up. I know that the children were, as always, excited to spend every last penny in the gift shop too. The children were impeccably behaved all day and we were very proud of how well they represented Hugo Meynell!


Back in class, the children have written a Trip Advisor review of their school trip which were informative and well detailed.


To carry on our rivers topic, the children have looked at the human impact on rivers. They read about the Three Gorges Dam and then in teams created a conscience alley where they had to persuade Mrs Hobson for or against the use of the dam.


A little message from Mrs Hobson:

I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the children who have welcomed me back into the classroom this week. It has been lovely to see so many smiling faces and I have enjoyed starting to get to know them all. 


Photos of the fun this week to follow...



Friday 25th March 2022I

In a week when we have started to enjoy some lovely, sunny Spring weather; Y5 have been working hard at both regular lessons and the start of their latest assessments.

In English, the children have written and performed their own poems, as well as exploring how to use parenthesis, to add extra information (or an explanation) to a sentence.

In Maths, the children have been practising their times tables and revising written calculation methods ahead of their Maths assessments, as well as continuing with fractions work, this week focussing on comparing and ordering fractions with different denominators.

Our Science focus this week was, ‘Smashing Stereotypes in Science’. The children considered themselves as Scientists and Inventors, exploring the diversity of skills required (and opportunities available) in this field. We have also continued to water and observe the growth progress of our Sunflower seeds, with a couple of pots taking an early lead!

 Ahead of next week’s Y5 Class Trip to The Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, the children have researched the features and stages of Rivers. They are all excited to expand their knowledge further on their field trip.

 In PSHE, Y5 continued to learn about Me and My Safety. The children were given scenarios in small groups and asked to create a short role play showing how the characters should behave and respond. We then discussed what motivates us to behave in an appropriate way and the consequences of not making safe decisions.

Our Music lesson this week saw us continuing to explore Classroom Jazz, comparing various jazz pieces and further honing our glockenspiel improvisation skills.

The Y5 Dance routine continues to improve, the children have impressed both BeeActive and Hugo staff with their developing skills. I hope to be sent a video of their final performance, as this is my last day with Y5 and sadly I won’t see it in person. I will miss the children very much and wish them - and all of you- the very best for the future.

Kind Regards

Mrs. Jackson J

Friday 18th March 2022

Well, what a jam packed week we have had in Year 5! We have spent time celebrating British Science Week, Poetry Week and finished off with Comic Relief celebrations. We also enjoyed a visit from the High Sheriff of Staffordshire, who told us all about his role and the history behind it.  For Science Week, we spent time discussing the best conditions to grow seedlings and have planted up some sunflowers, which we will be nurturing until they are big enough to take home. The children are all keen to see who can grow the tallest one! The children also spent time designing their own new planet, naming it, describing its properties and where they would place it in our Solar System. In English, we have also spent time reading, planning and writing poetry, focussing on the beauty of the world around us. In Maths the children have shown resilience in improving their skills in subtracting mixed numbers.

The Year 5 Dance routine is progressing well. To use up some more energy, the class also tried some, 'Pose with a Nose' Yoga positions, based on the various characters from this year's range of Red Noses. We created our very own Yoga studio in the classroom!

We were delighted to see so many of our class purchasing a Red Nose as well as donating to our 'Comic Relief Own Clothes Day' fund. Many thanks to you all for helping us to raise much needed funds for this amazing event.

In today's PSHE, we discussed a video showing just one of the many ways in which Comic Relief helps people. We had a very interesting and mature class discussion about the resilience shown by many of the recipients of Comic relief assistance and how we can help people with a range of disabilities on a day to day basis. Well done Y5!:)

Friday 11th March 2022

This week in Year 5, we have written and edited our own Norse Myths based on our English text of Arthur and the Golden Rope. The children’s imaginations have been in overdrive and we can’t wait to share our finished pieces. We have continued to add fractions in Maths and progressed to adding fractions greater than 1 and converting the improper fractions to a mixed number in our answer. The children then applied their learning to subtracting fractions. We began our new Science topic of Earth and Space this week and our first lesson looked at exploring the planets and what we already know about the solar system. The Y5 Dance routine is progressing well, with another very energetic BeeActive lesson. The children also burnt off some energy in the classroom by doing some fast paced, guided aerobic routines, finishing with some relaxing cool down moves and stretches. Our latest Music unit looks at Jazz Music, specifically the Bossa Nova. Our first set piece is the Three Note Bossa, which, being an instrumental, has given the children the opportunity to focus on their glockenspiel improvisation skills whilst listening carefully to the beat. Well done Y5! :)


Friday 4th March 2022

We have really enjoyed having everybody back together in Year 5 this week as we’ve had a full class for the first time in a good while! The children returned from their half term break reenergised and keen to develop their learning. We have continued with fractions in Maths - looking at comparing and ordering as well as adding and subtracting fractions. In English, we are at the point of planning our own Norse myth with the children creating their own heroes, villains, quests and magical objects to include in the plot. We began our Rivers element of our curriculum topic this week and focussed on what a river is and locating some of the world’s longest rivers using an atlas. Wallace and Gromit was the source of inspiration for the children this week in Science, as they created their own marvellous machines including levers, gears and pulleys. Year 5 amazed us with their clever costumes for the 25th World Book Day yesterday. We enjoyed a catwalk parade around the classroom giving us time to work out which 'word' each of us had dressed as. The children took part in a number of word related activities, including crosswords, book bingo and choosing their own A to Z of favourite words. The day was based on a lovely book by Peter H. Reynolds called 'The Word Collector', in which a boy called Jerome spreads happiness through sharing his words. We agreed that some of the simplest words are the most powerful and applied this to creating our own display of powerful words, so we remember to use them regularly. The new BeeActive focus for this half term brought great excitement as the children had their first Dance lesson and started working towards creating a routine which they are already looking forward to performing!  

Friday 18th February 2022

So Y5 have made it to the end of the half term, after some very unusual and challenging circumstances. We are proud of them for how well they have coped. In this final week, we continued with fractions in Maths and focussed on fractions greater than 1, converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers, fraction sequences and comparing and ordering fractions less than 1. We used pictorial prompts, knowledge of multiples and mental arithmetic to help us. In English, we read more of 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' and wrote our own description of Arthur's character using expanded noun phrases and a variety of sentence openers and adverbials to link paragraphs. This week our SPAG work has been based around figurative language and the children came up with some excellent similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration and onomatopoeia. A new activity we called 'Spell Swap' was a great success, with children testing each other on various words on whiteboards.Y5 carried out an investigation into friction in Science this week, comparing the distance travelled by a pull back vehicle on a number of different surfaces. We discussed which variables needed to be kept the same to ensure a fair test and the importance of this. We spent our final Mountains lesson finding out more about life in The Himalayas. The children were particularly interested in the species of animals who call this mountain range home and the struggles they face to survive. In Music, Y5 sang their hearts out in an excellent final performance of 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air', complete with glockenspiel instrumental sections! BeeActive took place indoors (thanks to Eunice) and a final game of Cricket ended an excellent half term's work in PE. We hope the children have a well deserved rest and that you all enjoy a great half term :)

Friday 11th February 2022

In a week where our class continued to be split between in class and remote learners, we are very proud of how Y5 have considered the very important issues of Children's Mental Health and Internet Safety. On Monday, we launched Children's Mental Health Week with the theme of 'Growing Together'. We began by creating our very own 'Y5 Wellbeing Jar' full of suggestions of how to feel better if something is worrying you. We also created images of ourselves filled with our own skills and achievements to display in our new classroom 'Wellbeing Area'. On Tuesday,  we designed our own 'Support Balloons' to show who we have to lift us up when we feel down. We also told the story of how we might have gained a particular skill, through a comic strip, ending with predicting where that skill might take us one day. Tuesday was Safer Internet Day and this year's focus was respectful relationships when gaming online. The children had some fantastic discusssions around this and showed such a mature approach to staying safe online. They created their very own mascot to monitor online gaming chat and to enforce any rules they felt were important. Amongst all our CMHW and SID activities, we have also managed to fit in some Geography, which this week involved finding out more about the climate of mountain areas and using an Atlas to locate the highest peaks in each country within the UK. In Science this week, the children worked in small groups to design and make parachutes of various sizes so we could test them out and see which one was the most effective whilst exploring air resistance. Throughout the week, we have spent time watching and discussing a variety of 'Growth Stories',  during which a range of famous names have shared their experiences of times in their lives when they have been faced by challenges and how they overcame them. Towards the end of the week, we created some 'Reach for the Stars' emotional goals and thought of the steps we could take to achieve them. We wrote some Acrostic Poems on the theme of Growing Together, enjoyed some Music for Wellbeing activities, Mindful Colouring and Laughter Yoga. Fortunately, the weather was good enough to have an energetic game of Rounders outside with BeeActive. Y5 also made a wonderful contribution to an ongoing, whole school Art project, learning about the artist Henri Matisse and having a go at 'Scissor Art', creating vibrantly coloured and interesting shapes following Matisse's techniques. Well done everyone, a very productive week all round!:)



Friday 4th February 2022

Well, it’s been an interesting week in Y5. Despite being depleted in numbers, the children have enjoyed lots of valuable learning. We had a fantastic visit from #keepstokesmiling on Monday, when the children learned the importance of good, regular tooth brushing and were amazed by some of the discoveries they made about the sugar content of different foods and drinks!  We began a new topic of fractions in Maths, looking at both equivalent and fractions greater than 1. In English, we have focused on grammatical features which help to provide cohesion when linking paragraphs together in our writing. During this week’s RE lesson, Y5 looked at the Muslim ritual of ‘Wudu’(washing before prayer). In Music, we have continued to compare different Hip Hop songs and are making great progress learning to sing our set song, ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel Air’. Our week has been rounded off with today’s NSPCC Number Day, ‘Dress Up for Digits’. There was quite an array of number based outfits on show! We enjoyed a whole day of Number (Maths) based activities, including keeping score in our BeeActive Cricket match! We have realised that Maths is all around us, all the time and how useful it is in life. I hope you enjoy the photos which support our busy week. Well done to Y5, both in the classroom and learning from  home (we miss you and hope you are feeling OK)! J

Friday 28th January 2022

Another very busy week began with a visit from the Air Ambulance Helipod and crew, who explained their services and fundraising to us.

The children then did some basic CPR Training in the hall (see photos). In Maths, Y5 have been doing short division using the bus stop method, up to 4-digits, both with and without remainders. The children created a story map of our text hero Arthur's Quest to Valhalla and then wrote it up as a third person recount. In RE, we looked at the Third Pillar of Islam and considered the importance of charity to Muslims. PSHE involved lively discussion of how laws are made in the UK. The children learned to read different types of weather and points of the compass in French from a map of France. In Geography, Y5 continued to look at the features of mountains and how they are formed. In Music, we continued to learn to sing and improvise instrumental accompaniments to 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air' and compared it to another Hip Hop track. PE involved extending their skills in BeeActive, really starting to make progress. Well done Y5!

( Attached are a couple of photos from last week's Art workshop where the children were taught by visiting Artists how to paint entries for this year's Calendar Competition. We were painting scenes to represent the month of January). 

Friday 21st January 2022

It’s been an especially busy week this week at Hugo with lots of visitors and exciting goings on. On Monday, Year 5 took part in a hula hoop session. The children absolutely loved spending time practising new skills and showing off their impressive tricks with the hoops. On Tuesday, they spent the morning creating their entries to the annual calendar competition. Our month was January and they all produced a fantastic piece of art that they should be very proud of. The judges have a tough job on their hands! We have continued to focus on multiplication in Maths and getting to grips with multiplying 3 and 4 digits by 2 digits. Gravity was the focus of Science this week and the children found out lots about Isaac Newton and the impact that the discovery of gravity had. They then worked in pairs using Newton meters to explore the link between weight and mass. In English, the children  performed their own Free Verse Poems in class and rewrote a scene from our Norse story, as if we were in the story ourselves, using dialogue to convey character. Year 5 have learnt more verses of our current song (The Fresh Prince of Bel Air) also  comparing it to other 'Hip Hop' music and appraising what we heard. Year 5 had another great BeeActive Lacrosse session, honing their pitching skills. 

Friday 14th January 2022

Week 2 began with an energetic Bee Active Enrichment Day. Year 5 really enjoyed a 'Circuits' style PE session, including a variety of activities, some of which you can see in the photos. In English, we have created our own glossaries, used inference to predict what will happen next in our Norse tale and used expanded noun phrases to create mythical descriptions, which we included in our own Free Verse Poems. In Maths, Y5 have worked extremely hard using the grid and then the column method to work out 2-digit by 2-digit multiplications and related problems. We have been very impressed by their perseverance and mature approach. In Science, the children have identified different forces.  In this week's Curriculum lesson, Y5  learnt how to locate mountain ranges on a map and how to describe what a mountain is , using geographical vocabulary. In Music, we started listening to, appraising and learning to sing 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air',  as this half term's musical style is 'Old School Hip Hop'. The week ended as it began, with another fabulous BeeActive session, where the children enjoyed trying Lacrosse (see photos).

Friday 7th January 2022

Welcome back and a Happy New Year to everybody! It was great to have the children back in the classroom and they were all raring to go! We have started our new Maths topic this week: Multiplication and Division. So far, we have looked at multiplying 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers by 1 digit. We have a brand new text in English called Arthur and the Golden Rope. This is linked to Norse Gods and beliefs and will build up to us writing our own myth. In French, we began our weather topic and learnt how to ask and respond to questions about the weather. This half term, with BeeActive, Y5 have started working on Striking and Fielding skills. The children also did some Jump Start Jonny Guided Workouts to get rid of even more excess energy! We also did some calming Mindful Colouring, based on the Mandala circular symbol which represents the universe. Well done to all the children for their artistic efforts, especially the six prize winners.  


Friday 17the December 2021

Well… what a jam packed Christmas week we have had in Year 5! With our focus on DT, the children have created moving Christmas cards, designed their own Christmas jumpers, constructed Christingle oranges, weaved festive wreaths and baked and decorated gingerbread biscuits. They sang carols beautifully, met some reindeer and Santa even popped in with an early Christmas present each! The children enjoyed a cinema afternoon with popcorn and treats. They ended this half term's Bee Active sessions with an energetic game of Den Dodgeball. We all had fun playing games and dancing at our Y5 Christmas party (we even had a dance off!) Take a look at the photos below to see just how busy we’ve been.

We would like to wish you all a safe and Happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all again in 2022!  

Friday 10th December

We’ve had another very busy week in Year 5! In Maths, the children have spent time calculating the area of a range of shapes, including compound shapes. They have also created their own traditional tale in English based around ‘The Lost Happy Endings’. They all had fantastic ideas of settings, characters and plots and enjoyed putting pen to paper and sharing these with the class. We explored reversible and irreversible changes in Science and the difference between these. The children worked in pairs to decide if a range of changes could be reversed or is a new product had been created. As usual, the children thoroughly enjoyed their music lesson with Miss Wright in which they used glockenspiels to play ‘Livin’ On  A Prayer’!  In RE, Y5 were comparing sacred texts from the Quran and the Bible and found many similarities as well as differences. Bee Active are very pleased with the progress the children have made over a few weeks in Handball and they have a fun range of ball sport activities planned for the last session next Friday. Our tasty Christmas lunch on Wednesday went down a treat and everyone looked super festive in their Christmas jumpers today, see the photos below. We are all excited for a week of Christmas fun next week!


Friday 3rd December 2021


While completing our assessments has been important to the children this week in Year 5, we have also made sure to make time for lots of other enjoyable activities! We have continued to read and base our writing around our English text of 'The Lost Happy Endings' and this week has seen us recapping speech and the accurate use of inverted commas. The children came up with some imaginative dialogue for the characters and worked collaboratively with a partner to ensure it contained all the necessary elements. In Science, we explored dissolving and the children worked in pairs to investigate which solids were soluble. We talked about ensuring it was a fair test and why this is important. Wednesday marked the first day of Advent and along with that came a tasty chocolate calendar for us to open each day in the lead up to Christmas. We also created a festive stocking each to display in the classroom. In RE we retold the story of the life of the Islamic prophet, Mohammed and explored the origins of the Quaran and its significance to Muslims today. The highlight of the week was today's hugely enjoyable trip to see the Panto, Dick Whittington. The children were a credit to our school and great fun was had by all.

"Oh no it wasn't!"

" OH YES IT WAS!" :)

Friday 26th November 2021


Well, another busy week in Year 5!


Within maths, we have moved onto focusing on perimeter and area. So far, this has included a recap of measuring perimeter, finding the perimeter of a shape using a grid and then moving onto calculating the perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes. Accurate measuring has been paramount and there has been a lot of discussion around the conversion between millimetres and centimetres, which has linked nicely with our multiplying and dividing by 10 focus from last week!


The children are still enjoying The Lost Hapy Endings in English and this week, we reached a climax which resulted in Jub rewriting her own frightening tale and included the demise of the wicked witch. The children worked hard using figurative language within a letter and also took part in a debate to discuss if Jub was in fact actually the criminal of this tale....


We have spent some time during PSHE this week discussing emotional health and things that can negatively impact it and perhaps make us feel unsettled and sad. The children had lots of great suggestions about what people could do to look after and improve their mental health and created some great posters to demonstrate this.


This week, we have also worked on completing our art work linked to Anti-Bullying Week. As a class, we looked at Charlie Mackesy's The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse and explored the characters and kindness quotes within it. Using this as their inspiration, the children recreated some of their very own pieces using pencil sketching, colours and fine liners. The results were very impressive and will make a fantastic display outside of our classroom! See for yourselves what budding artists we have in Y5 (photos attached).


The children have also worked hard on our new Coding Unit in Computing, have expanded their vocabulary when talking about members of the family in French and there have been some lovely sounds coming from our classroom during Music (watch this space!) Their enthusiasm and competitiveness during their BeeActive Handball session is obvious and their understanding of the skills, techniques and rules is developing well.


Have a well earned rest this weekend everyone! :)


Friday 19th November 2021


We began  Anti-Bullying Week with 'Odd Socks Day'. As a class, we discussed everybody’s differences and why it’s okay to be unique. Using the official Anti-Bullying Week song as inspiration, the children created some kindness pledges and designed their very own pair of odd socks.

  In Maths this week, Year 5 have been using place value strips to explore the way in which the digits move when multiplying and dividing by 10,100,1000. In English, the children created their own similes and personification phrases based upon a forest setting and then used these to compile a winter poem. They also enjoyed a lively drama session, role playing and freeze framing the scene in our text when the horrid old woman scares Jub. Some of the children's body language and facial expressions were terrifying,  see the photos below if you dare!

Yesterday, the children watched an NSPCC  'Speak Out, Stay Safe' Assembly and made some valuable contributions to the interactive Q&A sections. Today was our Children in Need Own Clothes Day. Many thanks for the £1 donations. We  had a lot of Pudsey and Blush ears plus  other Children in Need merchandise  in our class today! We rounded the day off  with some Pudsey themed Mindful Colouring and designing our own Pudsey bandanas, whilst listening to Children in Need songs from over the years. There might also have been a bit of funky dancing!:)  

Friday 12th November 2021


In science this week, Year 5 investigated how a range of everyday objects responded to magnets to allow them to decide which were magnetic and which weren't. We soon realised that all magnetic materials are metal, but not all metals are magnetic! During our history lesson, we carried out some research into King Alfred and, as a class, shared our findings to explore whether or not he really was as perfect as some historians describe. We discussed healthy lifestyles in PSHE and sorted a range of foods and activities depending on whether we viewed them as healthy, unhealthy or if it would depend on the situation. The children then came up with some fantastic suggestions about what we could all do to keep ourselves physically healthy. We also took some time out to share our Viking and Anglo-Saxon half-term project creations.


In maths, we looked at prime numbers, square numbers and cube numbers as well as multiplying by 10 and 100. In English we created some expanded noun phrases about Jub (the main character from our book) and her home and wrote our own 100-word short tales. We integrated dialogue into a rewrite of the scene where Jub first meets the horrible old lady, then included similes in a character description of her.


Another great session of Handball was had with BeeActive and the class performed the poem, 'The Christening' (by A.A. Milne) in our Celebration Assembly today. Good work, Y5! :)


 Friday 5 November 2021


Y5 have had a very busy, if slightly shorter week back at school. We have moved on to the next Maths unit of Multiplication & Division, working specifically on multiples, factors and common factors. In English, we have begun a new text (The Lost Happy Endings) and have started predicting the story, characters and settings therein. After bringing in an array of amazing Viking half term homework, our History topic has developed to look at Danelaw and how the Viking influence made Britain more unified. In French, we have started learning to talk about our family members. The highlight of the week was definitely our first session this year with BeeActive, where the children were able to put last half term's throwing and catching skills into practice during an energetic Handball lesson. They had so much fun!

Friday 22nd October 2021


I can't quite believe we are already at the end of our first half term!


This week in Year 5, the children have spent time looking at thermal insulators in science. They were faced with a conundrum: Would putting a coat on a snowman make it last longer, melt more quickly or make no difference at all? As we have no snow, we had to improvise and the children devised their own investigations to test their theories using ice cubes and bubble wrap. We discussed how to ensure our results were fair and valid and presented our findings on a line graph. This gave us the opportunity to apply the skills we had focussed on in maths last week. I was really impressed with the children's reasoning and confident use of scientific vocabulary!


In maths, we continued our statistics focus and looked at tables, two-way tables and timetables. The children had great fun organising Furbles based on their colour and amount of eyes and creating a two-way table to present their findings. In art this week, we focussed on perspective and drew some fantastic autumnal pumpkins. The children spent a long time adding texture with shading and colour and were rightly proud of their finished pieces. 


Have a wonderful half term break smiley

Friday 15th October 2021

This week, Y5 have started a Statistics unit in Maths, specifically looking at reading, interpreting and drawing line graphs, which they will apply to recording results in Science next week. They have continued to plan and write for different audiences, based on our Queen of the Falls text. After researching Viking Ships , the children had a go at drawing and authentically decorating their own Viking Ship, using both pencils and pastels. We have been keeping fit with bursts of Jump Start Jonny dance workouts throughout the week, as well as a great Cross Country and Ball Skills PE session. Their accuracy and speed in throwing and catching is much improved. Well done Y5! :)

Friday 8th October 2021


Another week in Year 5 has flown by!


We have continued with addition and subtraction in maths and the children have spent time using the inverse to check their calculations. They have also worked on some multi-step word problems and using rounding to estimate answers. In science, we looked at why some everyday objects are made from certain materials due to their properties and came up with our own silly inventions! We have learnt even more about The Vikings and Anglo-Saxons and wrote our own newspaper report from the point of view of the Anglo-Saxons during the first Viking raid in Britain. We continued our Queen of the Falls text in English and the children worked in small groups to role play some of the scenes and create a word bank of emotions and rhetorical questions to support them in writing a first person recount (photos below). Thursday was National Poetry Day and the class chose to learn 'The Christening' by AA Milne ahead of a performance to the rest of the school in the upcoming weeks. They also enjoyed some Michael Rosen videos - particularly 'Chocolate Cake'! For Friday's Mental Health Day, the children looked at some Beano inspired comic strips linked to recognising and controlling emotions.

On Wednesday afternoon, Year 5 enjoyed a Viking and Anglo-Saxon workshop. A real life Viking joined us in the classroom to teach us more about life in these times ahead of starting our new topic. As you can see, the children entered into the spirit of things and learnt so many new things.
