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Hugo Meynell

CofE (VC) Primary School

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Curriculum Information

There are three stages that children pass through in our school:


  • Foundation Stage:    Nursery and Reception 
  • Key Stage 1:            Years 1 & 2
  • Key Stage 2:            Years  3 - 6


Our school provides a varied and balanced curriculum, which is in line with the latest National Curriculum (2014 National Curriculum).


All of the topics through which subjects are taught cover the skills and progression expectations for each subject as laid out in the national curriculum. All children follow programmes of study in Maths, English, Science, Computing, Religious Education, Design Technology, Geography, History, Music, Art, Physical Education and French (Years 3-6). 


All pupils enjoy access to a wide range of educational experiences in order to develop emotionally, intellectually, socially, spiritually and physically to their full potential.


Assessment and reporting to parents 


End of Key Stage Statutory testing (SATS) takes place in Year 6 in May. These are reported as scaled scores, with a score of 100+ representing the expected level for each age group. Parents will be told if their child has met or not met the expectations in Reading, Writing, SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and Maths.


During the year, we report to parents in both written and verbal form regarding both the attainment and the progress their child is making as well as their attitude to learning. 


At the end of the academic year, we report to parents on their child’s progress and attitude and whether they are working below, at, or above the expected standard against their year group’s expectations. 


To find out more information about the National Curriculum, please click on the following link:
