Late/Absence Procedures
If your child is absent from school
If your child is not well enough to attend school, please leave a message on the school absence line before 9am or send us an email to provide a reason for their absence.
Absence line: 01630 672287 option 1
To fulfil our safeguarding obligations we will contact you if you have not provided a reason for absence by 10am.
If your child arrives late to school
If a child arrives after the doors have closed, they must enter school through the school office. If the class registers have already been taken, they will be marked as late. Your child will not receive an attendance mark for the morning session if they arrive after 9.30am.
Medical appointments
We ask parents to try to arrange medical appointments outside of school hours. If this is not possible, the school office should be informed and the child should return to school directly after the appointment.