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Hugo Meynell

CofE (VC) Primary School

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Year 1

Key information for parents:

  • Year 1 children come into school at 8.40am and enter school through their classroom door at the back of school.
  • Year 1 leave school at 3.15pm through the same door.
  • PE takes place on Tuesday and Thursday. Children should come to school in their PE kit on these days.
  • Reading books are collected on Thursdays and new books are sent home every Friday.


Miss Shanahan and Mrs Garnett look forward to seeing you in Year 1.

To contact Year 1, please use the form below.

Alternatively, you can email us directly at


Our Classroom

Mental Health Week

How does sound change?

Our Spiritual Development Afternoon

Boxing Taster Session

Christmas Dinners

Marvellous Maths

Internet Safety & Avatars

We are scientists!

Messy Church Activities

KS1 Boogie Woogie Nativity

Live Music & Skip 2B Fit

Which features of the playground do we like?

Odd Socks Day

Week 7

Week 6

Week 5

Week 4

Week 3


Week 2


Year 1 started their week off by listening to our wonderful Open The Book team. They learned about the creation story and thought carefully about their favourite part of the special story. In English, they generated key vocabulary to describe the sea. They are keen to learn about rhyming words, repetitive language and poetry. In Maths, they had great fun sorting children, objects and pictures into different groups. 

Autumn Term 2024 

Week 1


Year 1 have had a fabulous start to the academic year. They have been learning lots of new routines and are really excited about learning new skills. The children particularly enjoyed recognising patterns and using chalk to create large spirals outside in the sunshine. 

A Wonderful Week in Year 1

Welcome back Year 1!

We hope you have all had a lovely summer.

We are looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday 4th September 2024.

Wacky Races 2024

Chance to Shine Cricket Enrichment Session


Year 2 loved our stories! ⭐️

PE & Sports Day Fun

Season Wheels & PSHE

Balance Biking

PSHE: What is a stereotype? Can we challenge different stereotypes?

  Summer 2  



What are the features of our local church?

How have our sunflowers changed?

Beat Goes On Workshop


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Tree Classification

How have our sunflowers changed over time?

Calendar Art Morning

How many tens are in my number?

What plants will we grow?

Science Week

D&T Exploring Sliders

Brooksies Theatre Company Workshop


Super Scientists

In Science, we tested different materials to find the most suitable material for Teddy’s umbrella. We learned all about Charles Mackintosh and his amazing invention. 

Year 1 have had a splendid World Book Day exploring many different book related activities. We shared our favourite books, completed a scavenger hunt around school, guessed the books the staff were reading and created our very own book cover.
We listened to audio books and watched a range of stories as part of our World Book Day Readathon. At the end of the day, we carefully unwrapped our Wonkalicious bars and discovered a golden ticket! What a fun day it was! 

Expressing Ourselves

During our Art lessons, we have explored watercolours and the colour wheel. We studied and shared our thoughts about Paul Klee’s famous artwork. We were truly inspired by Emma Burleigh’s artwork and loved how she uses her life experiences and nature as a starting point. 


If you look at our artwork, what do you see? 

Thursday 22nd February


Year 1 enjoyed creating a teddy time line during their history lessons. They identified the materials used to construct the bears and discussed how bears are similar and different.

Throwing at a Target

 Mental Health Week 


Year 1 have shared stories about feelings and thought about things that make them happy. As well as engaging in guided reading activities about mental health week, they created happiness hands to help them to remember all of the positive things in their lives. With Open the Book people, they created their own thank you prayers and thought about all the amazing things in the world. They developed their listening skills by listening to piano music and used the glockenspiels to create their own Music. It’s clear to see that they love music and find it very relaxing! As a class, they worked collaboratively to play a range of games and focussed on their key senses during a nature walk. They enjoyed expressing their views about a range of toys and puppets they like then designed a new one. The children have a good range of strategies to help them when they encounter challenging situations.

 Friday 19th January 2024

Year 1 have had a brilliant start to 2024! In English, the children read the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and sequenced the main events. In Writing, they made some predictions about what mischievous Nibbles might do to change the original story. They developed their understanding of questions and identified punctuation errors. In Maths, they have been learning about how part whole models can support their understanding of subtraction. They can record two subtraction sentences for a picture or set of numbers.  In Science, the children have identified common materials in the classroom. 

Science Scavenger Hunt

Gymnastics: Can you move like a giraffe, frog or snake?

⭐️2024 ⭐️

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town!